Custom Made
To Look Like You!!!
I will work with you through photographs, a questionnaire and discussions to immortalize you and the love-of-your-life in polymer clay.
Couples w/ Dogs & Cats
Don't forget to include your furry friend on the cake top!
Sporty Couples
For all you die hard sports fans who to show your love for each other and the team of your dreams.
Family Cake Toppers
Anniversary Toppers
Include your little ones in a true Family 3-D Portrait.
Show off your tartan, plaids in your custom Kilted Mini-Couple!
For those of you who would like to incorporate your vocation on the big day.
Indian Weddings
Sari Cake Toppers
Beautiful and intricate traditional South Asian outfit can be recreated into a forever keepsake.
Supeheroes & Fan
Go all our and indulge in your Super Hero fantasies at the wedding party.
Hobbies and Interest
Show off your passions and hobbies on top of the wedding cake.
Keep it Casual
Looking for a more relaxed and chilled vibe for your wedding cake topper, no problem!
Bikes, Motorcycles, Rollercoaster, Boats & More!
$185US for Two Standard Figures including Shipping
Please Click on Pricing page for full Details
Fill in form to place your order!!!
Please let me know in the form when you would need Mini-Couple by.
Since I am able to only create a limited number of figures a year, it is important that I know the date of your event.​